"Did Not Finish" – I wish somebody would invent a time machine so that I could go and get my precious reading time back.

"Didn't like it." – To me, reading this book was like eating a hundred Reese's Cups (I hate chocolate and I despise peanut butter. Go ahead, call me a witch and burn me at the stake for my heresy). There was really nothing enjoyable about it; nothing that could save it for me or make it redeemable.

"It was ok." – This book was "meh," at best. Reading it was kind of like opening a pack of Starbursts and finding out that it's filled with only the yellow kind. Or like getting a big bag of candy corn for Halloween instead of the really good stuff. In short, this book was disappointing and there just wasn't much about it that worked for me.

"I liked it" – This book was fun enough, but there were parts about it that I didn't love so much. It was a "vanilla ice-cream" sort of book. Nobody is going to say no to a big bowl of vanilla ice-cream, but it's probably not going to be anybody's first choice either. Similarly, this book was good but not great. Enjoyable, but not particularly memorable.

"I really liked it"– Now we're getting somewhere. This book is something to write home about. I really enjoyed reading it, and most likely lost some sleep while doing so. It was a pretty darn good book; it had likable characters, a compelling plot, beautiful writing, etc. It was not life-changing, but it was good entertainment. Kind of like a Marvel movie.

"It was amazing"– Wow, a five star rating! I feel like these are about as rare as a holographic Charizard card, so you should definitely snag yourself a copy too. In any case, this book changed me. It got inside my soul. It was beautifully written, the characters leapt off the page, and I know that long after I put this book down, it will stay with me. It was just that amazing.
Disclaimer: I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often referred to as the "Mormon" church) and highly religious. The leaders of my church have counseled us to, "seek ye out of the best books," and to "choose wisely when using media, because whatever you read, listen to, or look at has an effect on you." I have personally made the decision to carefully choose what books I read.
As such, my ratings will be affected by the general "cleanliness" of the book – this includes things such as strong language, intense violence, and explicit sex scenes. If a book has a lot of f-words, or detailed sex scenes, I will not finish it. This is just how I feel and what I believe.
I realize not everyone thinks the same way as I do, and as such, things that make me feel uncomfortable might not make another. I respect that, and I respect everyone's views, religious or otherwise. I ask you to do the same. We need more love, understanding, and tolerance in this world.
To learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and my standards, please visit: https://www.mormon.org/
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