Well, folks, July is over! What a blistering hot month it has been here in Japan! Japanese summers are always hot, but this year, it's been particularly bad. A week or two ago, a city on the outskirts of Tokyo hit a high of close to 106 degrees. 106 DEGREES, PEOPLE. Like that witch from The Wizard of Oz, "I'm meltinggggggg!!!" I hope all of you are managing to stay cool! It's a good thing we've got books to help us escape this heat.

Gone / ★★★★★ – This book surprised me. I just happened to get the audiobook by chance through Overdrive because I needed something to listen to on my morning walk/run. Going into it, I had no idea what to expect beyond the little blurb I read on Goodreads. I was instantly pulled in by the action-packed story; soon my heart rate was way up, and it was not only because I was out running.
The Young Elites / ★★★★1/2 – This was another surprise. I've read a couple of Marie Lu's other books, and I wasn't really impressed by them. But this one was great. I loved the unique world-building and the conflicted main character, Adelina. It's hard to write something new and fresh in a stereotype-saturated genre, but I thought that Lu did just that with this book.

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